So Many Books Got Lost!

A couple of years ago Verbix incorporated verb conjugation of many Swedish dialects. This work would never have been possible without books from the serie “Svenska landsmål och svenskt folkliv“. These books were acquired from the Åbo Akademi University in Finland.

More specifically the books were bought from the “Duplicate Centre” of Åbo Akademi.

The Duplicate Centre had acquired during the years of existance a lot of books as donations. In the first hand the collections featured Swedish litterature and science. And the duplicates were sold and the money was spent on aquiring more litterature to the University Library.

In 2009 the Duplicate Centre was closed and the books were moved to a cellar in a nearby manor — out of reach for anyone!

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Korean or Arabic

The Korean and Arabic languages were added about in the same time on the Verbix website. Both languages support conjugating verbs since a few months back.

It has been interesting to follow how many verbs have been conjugated since then. Today (9/21/2011) Arabic verbs have been conjugated 59,241 times and Korean verbs 58,226 times.

In the all-time ranking these languages now have the 44th and 45th place in the number of verbs having been conjugated. The most conjugated language is Spanish with verbs having been conjugated 76,986,823 times!

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The Swedish verb promota

The Swedish language keeps incorporating words from other languages, such as English for example.

Therefore it’s no surprise that the Swedish adopted the verb promota ‘to promote’, too. The new ‘Swedish’ verb appeared in the beginning of 1990’s. Like other new verbs in the Swedish language, this verb is fully regular.

The work promote originally comes from the Latin language from two separate words pro ‘forward’ and movere ‘to move’. And based on this Latin background, we find the Swedish verb promovera ‘to promote’

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